In 1999, Life for a Life Memorial Forest commenced opposite Chew Piece. The idea was for anybody wishing to plant a tree in memory of their loved ones who had deceased could do so with a set fees donation to the charity. At the base of each tree, a small plaque was provided naming the person etc. Eventually, the trees would grow and turn into a small woodland, which has now happened. Life for a Life provides this facility in numerous locations throughout the country. For further information go to the website:
In the early days of planting, people began to put personal memorabilia against their trees. This increased to such an extent that Life for a Life had to issue notices to prevent it, especially after numerous complaints from walkers who said it made the area look like a graveyard.

Life for a Life showing plaques at the base of trees.

Life for a Life in 2015 showing the growth and diversity of the trees